Monday, December 29, 2008

2008: The year that was...


If I sum up this year in one word, it would be DIFFERENT. It was a mixed bag of emotions. A roller coaster in the true-st sense.
2008 was the year, my long-standing dream came true. I finally made it to Leh on my Bike.

The first half was a built-up period, which peaked around June end. It was a dream come true…with a few incidents and memories etched in my mind permanently.

And it was all downhill from there. August was full of turmoil...Sept was even worse, with my company going bankrupt. October was spent coasting along, trying to cope with the various issues with life. And it was just about to turn worse.

The Bombay attack happened in Nov, and it has a deep impact. It was quite a traumatic period. Thankfully, Dec was quite busy with work and I atleast had a few things to keep my mind occupied.

When I step back and sum all these up, it was a pretty average year. But this year is not something which I will ever forget. I have learnt a few lessons, made a few decisions, and moved on (or still trying to).

What do I want in 2009? Peace of mind, and spirit.

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